Small Business Benefit Solutions, LLC - Align Us


Small Business Benefit Solutions, LLC
Kelly Dobens
Kelly Dobens
2 years ago



I support everyone's right to have their opinion, whether I agree or not. However, in my perfect world, the Federal government would ONLY support defense and infrastructure. All other matters would be state controlled. I would eliminate EVERY one of the 434 Federal agencies that waste tax dollars except (and use the best of the fired IRS agents to audit the hell out of Each of these) Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Interior, Department of Transportation and Dept. Of Labor (and outlaw organized labor/all Unions which are now useless due to the policies enacted and (supposedly enforced by them). I'd also enact 17%, across the board, flat tax for people, businesses and ALL foreign money transactions (money sent from the US to a foreign recipient).


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