Google's new AI Chatbot "Bard" was asked the same exact question regarding Biden and Trump's presidency, but showed heavy favoritism toward Biden, indicating a pro-liberal bias.


A curious Not the Bee writer, who goes by Neo, came up with the creative idea to test Google's new chat AI, called "Bard" to ask two simple, equal, but very different questions regarding Joe Biden and Donald Trump's presidency, and covered it in a Not the Bee column.

  • What are some good things about Joe Biden's presidency?
  • What are some good things about Donald Trump's presidency?

The results were surprising and even more disappointing because the answers were biased and clearly leaned liberal in nature. But Google, a prominent Silicon Valley company has a reputation of leaning liberally progressive, or woke as it's known. And now this is showing in artificial intelligence.

In an unbiased scenario, the artificial intelligence "Bard" should have focused on the above questions as they were asked, what are the "good things." However, there appears to be clear bias towards the answers because the response focused heavily toward what Donald Trump did poorly.

The Biden Answers

In Bard's answers about Biden, it listed four things he did well.

  • He successfully managed the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • He passed several important pieces of legislation like the American Rescue Plan, among others.
  • He appointed several diverse cabinet members.
  • He restored America's standing in the world.

Of course, many of these answers are subjective and can easily be argued by his critics as either incorrect, inaccurate or outright lies.

Bard continued to add additional information, such as what Biden's challenges were. This included economic recovery, cost of living, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. But it ended this section by stating he is a "strong and capable leader."

There was, however, no mention of the Afghanistan withdrawal, the rising crime across the country, or the southern border situation and immigration in general.

The Trump Answers

Bard's answers for Trump were more in number and mostly factual, but lacked any additional context.

  • The economy grew at a healthy rate.
  • He signed a tax cut bill.
  • He appointed three judges to the Supreme Court.
  • He renegotiated NAFTA
  • He moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel
  • He signed the First Step Act into law

The answers were nearly as detailed as Biden's. The most blatant bias came in the "what Trump did badly" section. Bard listed nine individual items such as that he was impeached twice, accused of sexual assault, he separated families at the border, he used the office to enrich himself, and more. Check out the actual post below, a screenshot taken from Neo and the Not the Bee column.

The most blatant symbol of bias came at the end of Bard's simplistic answer in which it read, "Overall, Donald Trump's presidency was a mixed bag. There were some good things that happened, but there were also many bad things."

Align Us Adds AI

Because of this new revelation about Google's Bard and their apparent bias toward wokeness, we added a new category to our listings entitled simply as AI, Artificial Intelligence. As we discover more AI software and where they lean, we will continue to update this section.

In fact, we continue to update every category as more and more users and business owners upload their comments, ratings and overall feedback. We all need to get involved more with Align Us to make sure the woke needle is accurate as possible.

That's how we all stay aligned with our values.

-Align Us

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