Go Ahead And Rate An Organization; It’s Easier Than You Think

Our platform is designed for you to enter an organization like a school easily and quickly to be added to our network. This is how you can help.


We want to take this opportunity to fill you in on just how simple it is to add a business or organization to the Align Us platform. 

It’s a simple 4 step process.

  • Select the company category and subcategory and input the business/ organization information.
  • Input the address.
  • Rate and review.
  • Add images/video (optional) and click submit. Boom, you’re done!

First, let's clear up any misconceptions you may have drawn. 

1. You do not need to be the business owner to register the organization. If you are, great. But you can be a satisfied (or unsatisfied) customer with or without an agenda. Or you can simply check off 'other' when selecting how you are affiliated with the organization.

2. You can use either a desktop computer or a mobile device. Many users use mobile devices since they're typically out and about when interacting with a business. Or you can be patient and wait until you get home to jump on the computer. Or... you can be one of those rare types who walk around everywhere with their laptop on you. Either way, the choice is yours.

3. It's quick, easy, and straightforward. Sometimes we get feedback from people who assume the process is complicated. 

It is not. 

All you need to do is click 'business' and select the appropriate boxes on each drop-down menu. Then enter basic organizational contact information, move the woke needle to its proper place based on your knowledge and experience, and that's it. 

If you want to be extra helpful to the next user looking up that business, upload images and add your experiences to the comment section. It will help the user better understand why the woke needle is conservative, liberal, or neutral. 

Here's an example. We published a blog about a private school in Florida a while back. The school owners were open and public about their desire to push a strongly conservative curriculum. They even doubled down and said they would do everything humanly possible to avoid any 'woke nonsense.' Of course, the media was all over them. They were hailed as heroes by the conservative community and villains by the liberal community. 

But it was clear where the woke needle needed to go in this case. 

So, after you input information to rate an organization, just hit the submit button.

The data will be entered into our software and will only take up to 48 hours to be verified. 

Why Adding Businesses, Especially Schools, Is Important 

Adding organizations helps users find the ones they are comfortable with. If you are a conservative, how would it feel to inadvertently spend money at a business you later found out contributes to liberal causes? 

Not good. 

So, take the time to rate organizations, especially schools. Helping conservative people find conservative schools will help ensure their education follows their beliefs. It sets the stage for the children to create a desirable path into the future. 

As it stands now, too many public institutions are pushing woke political agendas even with parental objections.

In fact, this very issue recently occurred to one of our colleagues, Kyle S. Reyes, in Connecticut. 

Kyle inadvertently came across a school curriculum teaching his elementary-age children about gender identity. Read the full story here

That's precisely why we exist. Kyle has publicly stated he is pulling his children out of that school and finding one that fits his and his family's beliefs - which can be found on our platform.

And that's why it's essential to rate and review schools. 

- Align Us

Have you read these other blogs? 

Country music stars are divided over the Bud Light saga, like Garth Brooks, who identifies with Bud Light. 

Another woke brewery was outed after images of a 6-year-old girl seen dancing for dollars at a drag event surfaced online. 

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The Align Us app provides insight to help consumers spend their money with companies and organizations that align with their values and our app makes this easy.
Downloading our app makes it easier for shoppers to “follow the money” and see where their hard-earned money goes once it lands in the hands of a business or organization.
When you download our app you get the opportunity to make a difference and help hold companies accountable when it comes to how they spend your money.