CEO of Egard Watch Company Ilan Srulovicz has always been a proud supporter of the law enforcement community and continues to be a voice for conservatives everywhere.


Some companies prefer to remain neutral when it comes to political beliefs. They often feel that taking a political stance can polarize customers and potentially alienate a significant portion of their market. By choosing to remain politically neutral, these companies aim to appeal to a broader customer base and avoid controversies that could tarnish their brand.

Or it's because these companies have diverse workforces and customer bases and may choose to remain politically neutral to respect the diverse opinions and beliefs within their organization.

But Egard Watch Company is not one of them.

They show great support for many causes that politically align with conservative beliefs and aren't afraid to prove it. But their goal is not to polarize themselves from their liberal counterpart, their goal is harmony and balance.

"At a time when we should be humanizing each other... we are vilifying each other. At a time when we should be unified with each other... we are segregating each other. Our great country is at a time of crisis and yet we are frozen with fear to even express ourselves," CEO Ilan Srulovic wrote on his company's YouTube page.

Srulovic believes in support for the law enforcement community and feels that's the key to a better America. Instead of shying away from publicly supporting law enforcement, he encourages others to support them.

"How did we get to the point where we are too scared to say that a world without police is not a better world? We are too scared to say that violence is not the answer. We are too scared to say that we can all work together to create a world that celebrates our differences instead of hating each other over them," Srulovic wrote. He continued, "It's time to stop living in fear of expressing your views. Our country is built on the premise of diversity of thought, ideas, and debate."

Other Beliefs

Supporting the law enforcement community isn't the only topic Egard Watch Company supports. They have produced several high-quality promotional videos in support of many traditional conservative beliefs. In a recent video, they put out a message that questioned and answered what a woman is supposed to be using the tagline "WOMANHOOD IS A BIRTHRIGHT".

An image taken from the Egard Watches video.

Srulovic is a vocal and proud supporter of conservative beliefs and wants the world to know they don't believe in woke policies.

"We live in a time where every major corporation like Disney, Amazon, Netflix, Ben and Jerries and countless others are comfortable promoting their perspectives and values on the other end of the spectrum and yet for some reason it seems like we must remain silent. We don't subscribe to that notion," he wrote.

Align Us

We are confident Egard Watch Company will continue to attract conservative shoppers. Our goal is to find companies like Egard Watch Company, regardless of their political beliefs so that we can effectively record it on our platform to keep users informed. Remember, we want to help you align your dollars with your beliefs.

-Align Us

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