Corporate America Never Learns- Liberty Mutual Follows Best Buy on the Road to Irrelevancy

The insurance company also has racist, anti-white professional development programs.


On the heels of consumer electronics retailer Best Buy getting eviscerated for promoting employee development programs that exclude white employees, Libs of TikTok discovered. 

Liberty Mutual partnered with the same company as Best Buy to offer a ‘management training program’ which includes white people. ‘Current program criteria include’ not being white. Liberty Mutual discriminates against white employees. 

The program, sponsored by McKinsey & Company, a business consulting firm that leans heavily to the left, is part of Liberty Mutual’s “Targeted Development Program.” According to an email sent to employees, Liberty Mutual touted McKinsey’s “Connected Leaders Academy," designed to help “corporate partners like Liberty Mutual diversify talent pipelines, accelerate careers, and increase representation via research-based capability building.” 

Liberty Mutual then defines who is eligible for the program:

“US-based, grade 12-15 individual contributor

Identifies as Asian, Black, or Hispanic/Latinx

2+ years in current role with a rating of 7 or higher in current and prior year.” 

White men and women need not apply. They even used “Latinx,” which even Hispanics dismiss as condescending to their heritage. 

In Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech, he dreamed of an America where people would not look at the color of someone’s skin but rather the content of their character. In the new and not-so-improved America, that is no longer the case. Skin color comes above everything else, except perhaps gender identity, which seems to have supplanted race as the most important trait one possesses. 

As with Best Buy’s program, Liberty Mutual’s program violates equal rights legislation, which could subject the company to litigation. While it is one thing to promote a diverse workplace, it is a far different issue when companies openly discriminate against one class of persons. 

Numerous media outlets have contacted Liberty Mutual for comment; however, the company has not responded. If the company receives the Bud Light or Target treatment, it may get their attention. 

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