The Fairfax County School Board is considering changing its family life education classes, but delayed doing so until later in June, and parents are upset.


FAIRFAX, VA — The Fairfax County School Board is considering changing its family life education (FLE) classes and decided to delay doing so until later in June.

The potential vote to make changes has upset parents, who are displeased with the proposed changes in the FLE classes.

According to a FOX News report, parents showed up in full force at Luther Jackson Middle School last Thursday to voice their displeasure about the potential changes the school board wants to make.


One woman said she believed the school board delayed its vote because it was fearful of backlash from parents.

Wearing a “Beware the Mama Bear” T-shirt, Elizabeth McCauley told FOX News:

“They’re afraid because hey, I’m a mother bear. Beware the mother bears. Mother bears and Papa bears are coming out because we care about the future of our country. We care about our children.”


The controversial issues revolve around the school board wanting to make changes in the name of equity. It also want to eliminate separate, gender-based classes on sex education and the human reproductive system for children in grades 4-8.


FOX News reported:


“The recommendation, from the school board sex-ed committee, would mix boys and girls in 4th through 8th grade for all discussions of puberty, sexually transmitted diseases, and the human reproductive system.


“The board will also consider increasing penalties against students for ‘malicious misgendering’ ‘deadnaming’ their peers.


“‘Deadnaming’ is a word used to describe the act of referring to someone by a name they used prior to transitioning.”


Parent Stacy Langton said that having co-ed sex-ed classes would make the students “uncomfortable.” She also suggested that penalizing kids who are “goofing off” and misgendering another student is not grounded in scientific reality.


Langton told FOX News:

“It’s compelling our kids to a type of behavior and speech and especially…if you’re a conservative family or a Christian family, you have a right to be able to live in reality and…address someone who is obviously male as a male. I don’t think that that speech should be compelled.”


McCauley was concerned the administrators seemed to be prioritizing progressive agenda items at a time when Virginia schools are falling behind.

Recent reports have found that, in the state of Virginia, only 33 percent of eighth graders and 38 percent of fourth graders are proficient in reading, FOX News reported.


McCauley suggested to FOX News that the school board is anti-science and promoting falsehoods as truths:


“I think just the basic of saying what is falsehood is true.


“Boys are boys and girls are girls. And God has uniquely designed each individual the way they are.

“And starting at a very young age and preying upon young children. Grooming young children. Having pornographic, pedophilia literature in schools.


“That’s very problematic. And also doing that and focusing so much effort on that, when kids are falling behind in academics.”


McCauley also criticized “educational” materials she said children were being exposed to in Fairfax classrooms:

“Also, I think the Family Life Education course, it’s so important for parents to have to opt-in versus opt-out. That’s absolutely key.

“Especially when they’re expanding upon information that students are hearing here at school, but you would never even dream of mentioning in an adult working environment.


“Some of the things that kids are being told in school or even literature that they’re receiving in school, is, if you sold it on the street, or you had it on the street, you’d be criminalized for it.”


Another parent, who just gave his first name, said the young students in his district were being taught inappropriate things. He told FOX News:

“Too far, too much, too young. I asked my son this morning what he was going to learn. He said, ‘math, science, language arts, writing. And he said, ’oh, science.’


“That’s what we want to hear, right? We don’t want to hear, ‘I got punished today because I called somebody by the wrong pronoun. Or what this regulation identifies as ‘malicious misgendering.’”


Another Fairfax parent agreed that the students are being taught adult-level content that is “too much, too soon” for impressionable minds and that basic academics are being tossed on the sideline.


Thomas Ferguson told FOX News:

 “These are very, very dynamic, real world, adult issues, and we’re starting at kindergarten through third grade. And things that, frankly, even adults struggle with, as we know. At that age, it’s kind of important to just major on the basics. Reading and writing and arithmetic.” 

Noting Virginia’s poor academic record, Ferguson said the basic subjects should be focused on instead:

“So, to try to tackle these politically charged, very dynamic, sort of social hot buttons, at such a young age, seems very inappropriate, especially when a parent should be the first person to actually have those types of conversations with their child.”


Another resident of Fairfax, who admitted she does not have any grandchildren in the Fairfax schools, explained that the school board’s potential changes would still impact her community.


Janice told FOX News that the school board’s potential changes could be likened to a form of child abuse:


“I think what they’re attempting to teach the children is dangerous in terms of even their psychological wellbeing.


“To teach a child they have an option to whether they’re female or male, is first of all wrong. We don’t, we’re born one way or the other.


“And to start giving children who don’t even know which is their right, which is their left hand, tell them they have a choice as to their sex is abuse, child abuse in my book.”

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