1792 Exchange researched over 1,000 businesses to determine their political ideology and help readers learn more about them to better level the playing field - research finally published.


Nationwide: As many Americans are beginning to notice, some organizations and business owners are not only personally buying into political beliefs, they're implementing them into their business model. Some more than others and some quite extreme.

This is putting the average consumer in an uncomfortable position if they are in need of a product or service. If you are conservative, but you find out a business contributes to causes you strongly oppose, like abortion or same-sex marriage for example, how would it feel once you found out the business supports them?

Not good. 

This is why 1792 Exchange created their nonprofit organization. According to their website, "1792 Exchange is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization whose mission is to develop policy and resources to protect and equip non-profits, small businesses and philanthropy from 'woke' corporations to educate Congress and stakeholder organizations about the dangers of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies, and to help steer public companies in the United States back to neutral on ideological issues so they can best serve their shareholders and customers with excellence and integrity." 

They seek to determine which organizations lean left and to what degree. Their goal is to inform the public so the average American can be better informed on how they may be inadvertently spending their money.

1792 Exchange recently published their findings on their website - the Spotlight Report. The results were interesting but not all that surprising given the current state of America and the growing number of "woke" companies. They rank these organizations as either low, medium, or high risk in terms of their support for woke agendas. 

A Round Up Of Some Of The Spotlight Report Findings

- Banks are among the most woke groups of companies out there. According to 1792 Exchange, many of these banks are not just supporting woke agendas, but they may be requiring business clients to implement climate change policies. In another specific example, Bank of America has provided funds to Planned Parenthood and has even ceased lending money to some gun manufacturers.

- The transportation industry was discovered to have multiple high-risk companies. According to part of the summary for American Airlines, the Spotlight Report says, "American Airlines has interfered with various state policies in conservative states."

It continued, "American Airlines does not protect against viewpoint discrimination, but it does prohibit donations to religious organizations."

- The retail industry was discovered to have 15 large businesses that were labeled as High Risk. 

For example, Best Buy was labeled as High Risk for several reasons. One of which was, "...Best Buy weaponized its PAC by refusing to give to republican officials based on their vote not to certify the 2020 election."

These are just a small sample of the over 1,000 companies ranked by 1792 Exchange. It is also a stark reminder that there is a significant amount of growing awareness to finding out where an organization leans. 

It is the exact reason why we have created the Align Us App platform. It's a way for users to research and/or input an experience they may have had with a business. Whether it was a positive or negative experience, it will help the next user decide who to do business with. 

And as a reminder, if you're a business owner, claim your business on our Align Us App to tell the world what you want them to know about your business. 

-Align Us App 

Have you read these other blogs?

A publishing company decided that some ageless classic children's books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory need to be rewritten to avoid offending young readers - but was met with criticism. 

A veteran nonprofit fundraising event was canceled by Eventbrite - but for unusual reasons possibly linked to anti second amendment sentiment. 

Anonymous User
1 year ago

Best Buy long time customer, no more, stopped buying from them many years ago.

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