A newly elected conservative board for the Temecula Valley Unified School District approved the hiring of a consultant to hold discussion groups to cover the history of critical race theory and why it doesn't belong in the curriculum.


Temecula Valley, CA: A newly elected conservative school board for the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) recently voted on and approved to hire a consultant to brief educators on the consequences of CRT, or critical race theory. The consultant, an attorney Christopher Arend, a former school board president, will be holding group discussions on the history of CRT to discuss and explain the school district's previous decision to ban teaching CRT in schools.

Arend is a strong critic of CRT and has written a manuscript on the topic. He is in the process of publishing his work. It was reported that his goal as the hired consultant is to educate and inform members of the education department on why CRT should not be on the school curriculum.

The 5-member board panel voted and approved the hiring of Arend as a consultant for approximately $15,000 of taxpayer money. The board voted in favor of hiring Arend with a 3-2 vote. The two school board members who voted against it, Barclay and Schwartz, were vocal about their opposition.

"He's not an expert, he's not an expert on CRT. Because he's an attorney, and he's studied it does not give him the degree in history or ethnic studies or anything that is related to critical race theory," Schwartz said in a statement that was later published on Fox News.

Schwartz also argued that the funds spent on the consultant could have gone to different causes like field trips. Schwartz also said, "I don't think we need to spend $15,000 on a gentleman who thinks CRT is a disgustingly racist ideology."

Arend later defended his knowledge to the board and told them, "This has been a subject I had been interested in for a very long time. It kind of goes hand in hand with studying the law. When you study the law, you study one of the main principles of equal protection under the law."

Consultants by definition don't require a degree in a specific field to be qualified as a consultant. They typically only need to express a level competence that is satisfactory to the hiring authority,

Board members who approved the hiring argued back that the previous board members approved thousands of dollars on training in diversity, equity and inclusion.

Wiersma, one of the approving board members said, "My point is that I kind of went through our track record of what we've done for training. Things that are important to us. They come from a variety of fields and so, this is not out of the ordinary."

Wiersma continued, "I think as important as this discussion is on global, state and national levels, it is important to have somebody that comes to the table and can advocate but also pull in people for the discussions from that point. I would hope there would be some talk about where the resolution might need to go with the workshop which is entirely different. You're going to have five different experts that don't vote the same, they don't look the same, and they don't have the same background."

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