Salvation Army distributes "internal guide" on racism, asking white supporters to apologize for racism and then removes it after backlash


ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Salvation Army, once as American as apple pie and baseball, has gone “woke” with a new guide calling on members to have “courageous conversations about racism” and asks “white Americans” to “stop trying to be ‘colorblind.’”


The guide, “Let’s Talk About Racism,” created by the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission, was released in April, and is meant to provide “internal dialogue” on the issue of racism among members of the Salvation Army.

The guide reads:


“While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism.”


The guidebook claims that white people are responsible for “unconscious bias,” a concept popularized by Critical Race Theory (CRT) advocate Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi argues that white people’s legacy of racism is irredeemable, and that the only remedy is to reverse discrimination as a matter of retributive justice to level the societal playing field.


According to the guide, claims all white people are racist:

“The subtle nature of racism is such that people who are not consciously racist easily function with the privileges, empowerment and benefits of the dominant ethnicity, thus unintentionally perpetuating injustice.


“For instance, devout Christians who naively use racial epithets or a well-intentioned Sunday School curriculum that only uses white photography and imagery.”


The Salvation Army was founded in 1865, in London, by William Booth. Booth was an evangelist who wanted to offer practical help to the poor and destitute as well as preaching the Gospel to them. It was originally called the Christian Mission but changed its name to the Salvation Army in 1878.

The new guidebook goes far beyond calls for helping the poor and destitute and reflects a new mission of the once beloved organization. According to its Florida chapter, the organization’s “International Positional Statement” on racism states that racism is not simply an individual choice.

The statement claims that social structures and systems perpetuate racism in all individuals:

“The Salvation Army firmly believes that racism is contrary to God’s intention for humankind, and yet we recognize that the tendency for racism is present in all people and all societies. Racial discrimination can take many expressions, including tribalism, casteism, and ethnocentrism. Racism is not only the result of individual attitudes but can also be perpetuated by social structures and systems. Sometimes racism is overt and intentional, but often it is not.


The statement reads:

“While many Salvationists have acted firmly and courageously against racism, The Salvation Army acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism.

“The Salvation Army is committed to fight against racism wherever it is experienced and will speak into societies around the world wherever we encounter it.”


The new guide calls for white donors to “lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.” The guide continues:


“In the absence of making anti-racist choices, we (un) consciously uphold aspects of white supremacy, white-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society.”


Just as the Salvation Army deploys an army of Santa’s with bells to collect funds in front of shopping centers and community stores, historically a part of the Christmas season magic, the organization’s “woke” positioning is costing the 156-year-old organization many of its conservative donors.

Stand for Reason founder and radio talk show host Greg Koukl said in a Facebook post earlier this month that the Salvation Army has fallen victim to the dangerous teachings of CRT, and that CRT is a Trojan Horse:

“In my estimation, CRT is a Trojan horse taking in well-intentioned Christian enterprises that—because they care about justice and oppose oppression—naively promote the most serious threat to biblical Christianity I have seen in 50 years.


“There is a massive number of academics—Black and white, Christian and non-Christian, atheist and theist—who have raised the alarm against the aggressive indoctrination and, frankly, bullying of CRT—not to mention the racial essentialism inherent in the view, the false witness it bears against virtuous people, and the general destruction it continues to wreak on race relations in this country. CRT has set us back 50 years.”


Color Us United President and author Kenny Xu published an article in The Daily Signal  last month criticizing the mixing of human rights work with political advocacy:

Color Us United is an advocacy group calling for a race-blind America.

Xu said the Salvation Army is exposing its 1.7 million members to “both radical ‘anti-racism’ jargon and divisive teachings of critical race theory” dividing people into oppressors and the oppressed”:

“In some aspects, the materials are indistinguishable from the ‘anti-racist’ programs of any multinational corporation, or the expounding of critical race theory at a major university.”


Xu called on the rank-and-file members to stand up for what they know is right:

“Despite what the church’s International Social Justice Commission says, ordinary members of the Salvation Army are committed to a colorblind perspective, and admirably so.

“Stand against the insertion of politically charged racial ideologies into The Salvation Army’s good work.

Anonymous User
8 months ago

Do not donate anything to this organization. I have told many ppl about their wokeness and luckily they now will no longer be donating anything.

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