Ben & Jerry's is very open about supporting liberal agendas. But what other liberal businesses who aren't as open and public?


Ben & Jerry's is very open about supporting liberal agendas. But what other liberal businesses who aren't as open and public?


It is no surprise to many Americans that Ben & Jerry’s is a political business that leans heavily to the left. Their outspoken belief in progressive liberal policies has been around for years, if not decades.

But how have they proven this? What have they been doing to solidify their position as a liberal organization?

In 2016, Ben & Jerry’s posted a letter to then President-Elect Donald Trump on their website. In their letter, they said:

“We stand ready to defend the progress our country has made on climate change. We will continue to be strong advocates for racial and social justice, LGBTQ rights, gender equality, respect for religious differences, and opportunity for all.”

It continued:

“We stand with women, people of color, Muslims, migrants, refugees, the LGBTQ community, the poor, and others whose lives may be further compromised by the policies and rhetoric you espoused during your campaign.”

When people shop and purchase Ben & Jerry’s products, they understand that they are ultimately supporting the liberal company. Whether Ben & Jerry’s financially support liberal organizations directly or simply use their profits to further push their liberal agenda through awareness, their customers are supporting them.

Here’s the kicker- there are countless businesses that feel the same exact way and operate similarly to the Ben & Jerry’s very public model. However, those businesses may not be nearly as vocal or as public about their political views and their level of ‘wokeness’.

But these ‘woke’ companies could very easily be supporting liberal agendas. Whether they support the liberal agenda monetarily or not, the thought of spending money with an organization like that if you’re conservative is stomach churning.


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